The labour ministry to lower down the epf rate in order to bring the rate at par with other schemes such as the public provident fund (ppf). In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two. In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two installments of 8.15% and 0.35% but later the labour ministry decided to credit the entire 8.5% into subscribers' accounts in one go. Currently, the pf interest rate applicable on epf is @8.55%, which is available on the official website of epfo.
The labour ministry to lower down the epf rate in order to bring the rate at par with other schemes such as the public provident fund (ppf).
Currently, the pf interest rate applicable on epf is @8.55%, which is available on the official website of epfo. In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two installments of 8.15% and 0.35% but later the labour ministry decided to credit the entire 8.5% into subscribers' accounts in one go. The labour ministry to lower down the epf rate in order to bring the rate at par with other schemes such as the public provident fund (ppf). In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two.
In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two. In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two installments of 8.15% and 0.35% but later the labour ministry decided to credit the entire 8.5% into subscribers' accounts in one go. Currently, the pf interest rate applicable on epf is @8.55%, which is available on the official website of epfo. The labour ministry to lower down the epf rate in order to bring the rate at par with other schemes such as the public provident fund (ppf).
Currently, the pf interest rate applicable on epf is @8.55%, which is available on the official website of epfo.
Currently, the pf interest rate applicable on epf is @8.55%, which is available on the official website of epfo. In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two installments of 8.15% and 0.35% but later the labour ministry decided to credit the entire 8.5% into subscribers' accounts in one go. The labour ministry to lower down the epf rate in order to bring the rate at par with other schemes such as the public provident fund (ppf). In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two.
Currently, the pf interest rate applicable on epf is @8.55%, which is available on the official website of epfo. In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two. In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two installments of 8.15% and 0.35% but later the labour ministry decided to credit the entire 8.5% into subscribers' accounts in one go. The labour ministry to lower down the epf rate in order to bring the rate at par with other schemes such as the public provident fund (ppf).
Currently, the pf interest rate applicable on epf is @8.55%, which is available on the official website of epfo.
Currently, the pf interest rate applicable on epf is @8.55%, which is available on the official website of epfo. The labour ministry to lower down the epf rate in order to bring the rate at par with other schemes such as the public provident fund (ppf). In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two. In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two installments of 8.15% and 0.35% but later the labour ministry decided to credit the entire 8.5% into subscribers' accounts in one go.
12+ Epf Interest Rate 2019-20 Pictures. In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two installments of 8.15% and 0.35% but later the labour ministry decided to credit the entire 8.5% into subscribers' accounts in one go. Currently, the pf interest rate applicable on epf is @8.55%, which is available on the official website of epfo. The labour ministry to lower down the epf rate in order to bring the rate at par with other schemes such as the public provident fund (ppf). In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two.
The labour ministry to lower down the epf rate in order to bring the rate at par with other schemes such as the public provident fund (ppf) epf interest rate. In september, epfo had decided to split 8.5% interest into two installments of 8.15% and 0.35% but later the labour ministry decided to credit the entire 8.5% into subscribers' accounts in one go.